We are seeking funding to expand our Go Active programme to include outdoor play. We aim to increase outdoor play opportunities for young people in the Gorbals. Staff, trainees and volunteers will be trained in outdoor play to allow us to deliver a range of sessions over the year that will include, but not limited to, mobile archery, den building, campfire & marshmallows, camping, hillwalking, mini highland games and much more.
Playing outdoors is good for children's health and wellbeing, it develops their social skills and it helps with cognitive development, preparing them for a lifetime of learning. Research from around the world shows the huge benefits of playing outdoors. Support from youth work staff will mean parents will have peace of mind knowing they are playing in a safe environment.
The more young folk can get outside and play creatively the happy and healthier they will be!
Outdoor activities are great for supporting learning and development in children. The more time outdoors the better.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation